March 1, 2025
Dear Parents/Guardians:
We are writing to inform you about an upcoming WIN Career Readiness Assessment. All Juniors (3rd year in high school) and identified Seniors based on last year’s data (4th year in high school) will be taking the WIN Career Readiness Assessment during the state testing window beginning March 24, 2025 and ending April 18, 2025. Each school will be sharing a schedule with students regarding their specific testing date and time. It is important that your child comes to school on their assigned testing day.
The South Carolina Career Ready Test will include four component subtests: Work Ready Math, Work Ready Reading, and Work Ready Data assessments and one Essential Soft Skills specific assessment. The Work Ready Assessments match the knowledge, skills, and attributes of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. The WIN Ready Credential is a nationally recognized credential that your child may earn.
Each section of the WIN Career Readiness Assessment is timed. Basic information about each subtest is given in the attached table.
The employability skills (math/reading/data) assessments are assigned a scale score and an achievement level score from 1 (low) to 5 (high) based on the U.S. Department of Labor O*NET job zones that correspond to the achievement levels (job zones 1–5). (For more information, visit
The higher the scores, the greater the student’s readiness for careers in higher-level O*NET Job Zones. The credential level is determined by the lowest score across all three assessments. A student must score at Achievement Level 3 or above in order to receive the Work Ready Credential. For example, a student who scores a Level 4 in Work Ready Math, a Level 4 in Work Ready Reading, and a Level 3 in Work Ready Data will earn an Achievement Level 3 credential because the lowest score was Level 3. The WIN Work Ready Soft Skills Assessment is assigned a scale score and a pass/not passed achievement level score. Passing scores receive a Soft Skills credential.
If you have any questions or need assistance with earning the credential, please contact your school guidance counselor or school testing coordinator.