We are so proud of our Seniors!

Congratulations to the LHS Teacher of the Week, Mrs. Bates!

This is the last month for Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) meetings for all of our SENIORS to discuss plans for post-secondary options, student progress, future goals, and scholarship opportunities.
Our meetings will be held via phone or face to face. If your student is on campus, he/she can be present with his/her school counselor during meetings.
Use the links below to schedule your appointment
If the student's last name starts with A-K: https://calendly.com/angieburg...
If the student's last name starts with L-Z: https://calendly.com/cherielat...
Your participation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Joshua Black (joshuablack@pickens.k12.sc.us) if you have any questions.

SDPC and Syracuse University are proud to present an Exciting New Dual Enrollment Opportunity! *There will be an informational Parent Night 10/20/22 at Daniel High School.

Emma Randall utilizes a graphic organizer in Mrs. Bates' U.S. History class.
Mary Bryson practices her selected piece for Ms. Schaaf's project focused on student choice, engagement, and performance in guitar class. The students will perform this project in the auditorium today as their summative assessment.

Important Reminder!

Our Senior Spotlight this week is Kaleb Johnson!

Congratulations to our Teacher of the Week - Mrs. Carvajal! And, a special feliz cumpleaños wish, as well!

Today's Senior Spotlight is Jala Gilliard. Check out Jala's plans after high school and her favorite high school memory. We love our Class of 2023!

Ashton Wardlaw demonstrates one of our Core Values of Service by assisting flooding victims in Kentucky.

Congratulations to Coach Burrell on being our second Teacher of the Week, as voted by our Teacher Cadets!

Join us for Open House on Tuesday, August 16th from 5:30 - 7:00 pm followed by Meet the Red Devils in the gym. We can't wait to see you!

Senior Portraits Wednesday, August 17th. Please reserve your time here:

PSAT Registration is Open!

Our first Teacher Cadet Teacher of the Week award goes to Ms. King! When asking students to describe Ms. King, they used a variety of words that are reflected on our new Teacher of the Week Bulletin Board!
Congratulations Ms. King!

Motivation Monday: Liberty High School teachers started this week out strong!
Ms. Williams used chunking to engage her students in Algebra 2 with individual work, buddy checking, and whole class modeling. Mrs. Ortega had her Spanish 2 class working in teams to practice asking and answering questions after an energetic whole class discussion. Let's hear it for high expectations!

To participate in the weekend food program at LHS, follow the link below for more information and to sign up: https://forms.gle/XppyAd3VknQ9gGM19

Meet the Red Devils!
August 16th, 2022
7:00 PM at the Gym
Please join us as we introduce our 2022-23 fall athletes.

The Class of 2023 welcomes in the new school year at sunrise.